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Code of Conduct

NNLL is committed to providing every participant with a positive baseball experience. Every participant in NNLL, the players, managers, coaches, board members, and parent helpers are volunteers. The fabric of an all-volunteer league is held together by good sportsmanship and the mutual respect of everyone involved. NNLL believes that every participant deserves to be treated with respect. To this end, the league has developed a CODE OF CONDUCT AND SPORTSMANSHIP policy for all to abide by. This is non-negotiable.

Parent/Guardian Role in Supporting Sportsmanship:

Parents/Guardians play an important role in supporting sportsmanship as a mentor and role model for their children. There are four roles in youth sports - player, coach, official and parent. By choosing the parent role, NNLL expects parents to act as aforementioned mentor/role model for their children and support the League’s efforts to promote sportsmanship.

There will be zero tolerance for parents who intimidate, interfere with, physically or verbally abuse coaches, players, officials, parents or other fans at any League practices, games or other events. NNLL expects a high standard of sportsmanship from players, coaches and officials and expects the same standard of conduct for parents/guardians of children registered to play.

Good Sportsmanship is defined as:
- playing hard, giving maximum effort and hustling regardless of ability or outcome
- enjoying the privilege of participating and the opportunity to compete
- being a humble winner and a gracious loser
- treating everyone as you would want to be treated
- cheering and encouraging all participants
- never speaking in a degrading or negative manner toward ANY participant 
- never using foul language
- never throwing any equipment
- never intentionally threatening or assaulting another participant; physically or verbally

Consequences for violations:

- First Offense - addressed by the team manager. Punishment can be simply a reprimand or up to a game suspension. In the case of a physical incident or altercation, the matter shall be addressed by the League's Board of Directors.

- Second Offense - shall be addressed by the Board, with wide discretion in the punishment, ranging from suspension to expulsion from the league.

- Third offense - again, the incident will be addressed by the Board.

Process for Addressing Concerns:

1. Any participant who feels a violation has occurred should FIRST address the matter with the relevant person in charge (i.e. a parent/player issue with a team manager or coach).

2. Any matter that cannot be addressed between the affected parties shall be referred to the appropriate Division Vice President.

3. Any matter that cannot be addressed with the assistance of the appropriate Board contact will be brought to the entire Board of Directors for consideration.

As always we appreciate your support in creating and maintaining a positive experience for our children. 


Newark National Board of Directors

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