Dear Supporter of Newark National Little League,
Baseball may be the last thing on your mind this time of year, but Opening Day for Newark National, believe it or not, will be on us before you know it. League sponsorship is vital to the success of our league, and that is where your contributions are needed and appreciated.
Established in 1953, Newark National Little League today continues to serve the community by being one of the premier little leagues in the State of Delaware, and in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Each year just over 300 children and young adults, ranging in age from 4-16, play in Newark National, across seven divisions of play on 7 different fields (3 with lights) at two different complexes. We have both Spring ball and Fall ball seasons. Newark National prides itself on finding dedicated, high quality coaches and encouraging lots of parental and community involvement. We are a non-profit organization relying only on volunteers to run all aspects of our program.
By sponsoring Newark National Little League, you’ll have the opportunity to reach a large, engaged audience. A sponsorship allows your business name to be displayed on the rear of team uniforms, banners displayed at our four most used fields and recognition of sponsors both on our website and on social media pages. We host the following games/events over the course of a season:
· Over 100 games each season with over 50 spectators at each game
· All Delaware Military Academy Varsity baseball home games as well as possible DIAA State Tournament Games
· We traditionally host the District 2 8-Year-Old All Star Tournament
· Many of District 2 Majors, Juniors, and Seniors All-Star games each year
In addition, sponsors will have their websites linked to the Newark National Little League website and Facebook page.
As I mentioned, I am seeking direct contributions from members of the community to keep our program alive, active and successful. Attached please see the various sponsorships that are available to you so that you can help us in keeping our league vibrant. For those of you who are returning sponsors, firstly, THANK YOU and secondly, please notice that we have slightly changed our Sponsorship Packages this year.
I also want this letter to serve as an open invitation to attend our games and events. Our upcoming schedule will be found on our newly designed website at and you can also support our league through concession sales at each game as well. Therefore, feel free to stop by and support the team by buying a hot dog or a Newark National T-Shirt.
I want to thank you in advance for your time, and I also want to say, on behalf of our players, coaches and parents we hope to see you at some of our games and thank you for being a member of our supportive community. We greatly appreciate your generosity. Any contribution you’re able to make is tax deductible and sincerely appreciated by the entire club, especially our young athletes.